This Christmas stock up on Christmas facts!!!

Today we are all celebrating Christmas all over the world. 
 Actually, Christmas is an annual festival, commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, observed primarily on December 25 as a religious and cultural celebration among billions of people around the world.

Some Interesting and Amazing facts about Christmas


Most  extortionate and beautiful Christmas tree

Actually, I have one question for you. What's your budget for Christmas tree.I hope that one tree costs about 60 dollars depends on the situation. One man, Yves Piaget, spent over £10 million (that's over $13 million US dollars) on decorating his Christmas tree. The tree was extravagantly decorated with 83 pieces of jewellery in Tokyo, which would have amounted to a significant amount of Yen.

Christmas tree


Santa Claus's magical gifts

Hopefully we all know that Santa Claus's has magical powers, but researchers have calculated just how magical Father Christmas really is. The researchers found that in order to deliver all of his presents on Christmas Eve Santa Claus would need to travel at 650 miles per second and visit 822 homes a second – no wonder he needs to eat so many mince pies.

Santa's Christmas gifts

Christmas tree soup

Did you think that eating satsumas was the most festive way to get your hit of Vitamin C? Think again. It turns out that you can actually eat parts of your Christmas tree and that the needles from your tree are a great source of Vitamin C. If you want to tuck into your tree after Christmas then dry out the needles before grinding. You can then use the dried needles as a garnish on soups.

Cep soup with star and christmas tree


Robin Christmas cards might annoy your postman

Robins are a Christmas card favourite and you’re likely to receive several glittery Christmas cards with a robin emblazoned cheerily on the front. Yet, robins can be seen in the UK (where the Christmas card tradition began) throughout the year. So why are they so popular at Christmas? Well, back in the nineteenth century postmen wore red tunics and were nicknamed ‘Robin Postmen’. Therefore putting a robin on a Christmas card was in fact a joke.

Robin Christmas Cards


It’s A Wonderful Life

Nearly every family closes up and watches It’s A Wonderful Life over Christmas, but did you know that this Christmas movie favorite had an FBI file? Although ludicrous, this shocking Christmas fact is real. In 1947 some thought the movie was a communist ploy and that its purpose was to undermine bankers. Here’s another shocking It’s A Wonderful Life Christmas fact: when the bridge scene was filmed, George is rather sweaty because it was in fact 90 degrees on the day of filming. 

It's a Wonderful Life Christmas fact


Weight gain at Christmas

Do you think you get a little heavier over the festive period? Even though most of us over-indulge and enjoy a few too many feasts studies have found that we don’t actually put on as much as we think. The US study found that participants thought they put on at least 5lbs (2.27kg), but they had actually only gained an average amount of 0.8lb (0.36kg) over the Christmas period.

Weight gain at Christmas


Christmas in space

Some people want to escape from Christmas, but this Christmas fact shows us that Christmas is almost inescapable as carols have even been sung up in space. The first song to be sung in space was Jingle Bells. Two astronauts back in 1965 reported seeing a UFO. They then claimed that the UFO had one main command module and eight smaller modules in front and that the pilot was wearing a red suit. The mischievous pair then went on to sing Jingle Bells to NASA.

Christmas Celebration at Space by Astronauts


Home Alone

Everyone loves Home Alone, but did you know that Daniel Stern, the actor who played the baddie Marv, didn’t like spiders? He didn’t want to do the infamous tarantula scene, but agreed to the filming as long as it was completed in just one take. The scene was shot but Daniel Stern wasn’t allowed to scream in real life because it would have spooked the tarantula, so the scream had to be added by tech whizzes at a later date.

Home Alone


Biggest ever secret Santa

If you thought your works secret Santa was a tricky and complex business then imagine how difficult it was to organize the workers at Boots UK Limited, who took part in the largest ever secret Santa. The present swap involved 1,270 people and took place in 2008.

Ever Sacred Santa


Christmas break-ups

You would think that Christmas is one of the most romantic times of the year. Mistletoe, open fires and endless parties is the perfect mix to get close to your other half, yet by looking at Facebook posts researchers has discovered that lots of couples break up two weeks before Christmas. In fact this period is the second most common time of the year for couples to split.

Couple break-up at Christmas


  I hope everybody came to know some interesting facts about Christmas. I want to know that you guys what did you feel after reading this. Wishing you a merry Christmas and Thank you.


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