The enduring mystery of Xin Zhui (Lady of Dai Mummy)

A reconstruction of how Xin Zhui probably looked when she was alive.It can be see at the Changs museum.

A Mummy is a body that has been prepared purposefully after death.Its organs removed. It is covered in preservatives and wrapped in bandages.The process is ceremonial. Many of the world's famous "mummies" have been preserved either on purpose or due to the environment, but they dont't follow all the aspects of the formal definition of mummy.Xin Zhui,found over 2,000 years after her death, one of the world's well-preserved ancient human remains were buried in a mysterious liquid that scientists still can't replicate.
Xin Zhui

Xin chui was a Chinese marquise who lived during the Han dynasty. Her preserved body,along with that of her husband and a body that is thought to be her son was found in an archeological expedition that took place during 1970's. The burial chamber Lady Dai was found in was filled with fascinating things. An opulent meal for the part of the marquise's spirit that remained on Earth to enjoy.

The lady dai body under observation
Despite the fact that she had been buried for over two millenia, her skin was still moist and elastic, her joints still flexible, every feature still remained intact down to her eyelashes and the hair in her nostrils,and blood still remained in her veins.When she was removed from the tomb, oxygen took an immediate toll on her body and so the state in which she is seen today does not accurately reflect how she was found.
When forensic scientists conducted an autopsy on the Diva Mummy,they were stunnedto discover that the body was in the same state as an individual who had recently died.
 The Lady Dai died of a heart attack at the age of  50,brought on by obesity, lack of exercise and an over-indulgent diet.


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